Promote legit hosting. Get legit $$$.

Dedicated team

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Regular bonuses

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No minimum referral

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Choice of product

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100+ designs

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HostGator web cred

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How do payouts work?

Here’s the gist.

Step 1: Sign up

It's completely easy and totally free. Sign up for the affiliate program.

Step 2: Share your link

Use your custom coupon code, affiliate link, & banners to refer clients to our site.

Step 3: Pay day, baby

When a purchase is made from your link or code, you'll earn a commission!

Meet the affiliate program team.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sit amet malesuada mi. Aenean aliquet pellentesque elit, id rhoncus nisi efficitur a. Aenean nec tristique mi, at interdum libero. Aliquam vel luctus tellus. Nunc scelerisque, nisl ut congue finibus, mi urna sollicitudin felis, eget consequat eros sem vel erat. Morbi ante dolor, molestie non odio eget, egestas rhoncus tellus.

Got questions?

Well, we’ve got answers.

What is Impact Radius?

Impact is the technology & payment processing platform we’ve selected to power the backend of our affiliate program. It’s what gives you all the cool affiliate superpowers—like seeing reports and earnings, providing links and banners, and viewing important announcements within the program itself.

Can I ever get a discount coupon for my clients?

Absolutely! Once logged into Impact, you’ll see “Resources Links” on your dashboard page. Locate “Request a Custom Promo Code” and you’ll be provided step-by-step instructions, screenshots included.

How do you track sales, anyway?

We track referrals via both affiliate links and custom coupon codes. You’re welcome to use either! Both will result in a credited sale when the signup meets all the terms and conditions.

What are the affiliate program’s commission payout terms?

Our payout turnaround for qualified sales is 2 months + 10 days after the month the sale occurred in. This is to account for HostGator’s amazing 45-day money-back guarantee which makes our hosting easy to try, at no risk!

To learn more about the details of our program, check out our Terms of Service.

Sign up for web hosting today!

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